
Undercover police nab gang of four thieves targeting Dubai Mall visitors

A four-member pickpocket gang that targeted Dubai Mall visitors was arrested by a team of undercover cops recently.

The team of Dubai officers in civilian clothes was formed following an increase in thefts in crowded areas frequented by pedestrians and tourists, especially in popular spots like Dubai Mall.

The policemen mingled with the crowd and monitored the situation to ensure the safety of visitors.

The gang — consisting of four men aged 23, 28, 45 and 54 — were caught red-handed on March 6, 2024.

Court records reveal that the thefts were meticulously planned. On the day of the incident, they targeted the Dubai Mall’s dancing fountain area, taking advantage of the crowd’s distraction. They pretended to watch the show — one member kept an eye on the victim and two others distracted her, allowing the fourth to steal her mobile phone from her bag.

They then fled in different directions to confuse the victim, but the police discovered the crime on the spot. They were nabbed but the phone had been disposed of before the arrest.

At the Dubai Criminal Court, judges established that the defendants formed a criminal group to steal from people in busy areas like large shopping centres.

“Following a recent increase in pickpocketing in crowded places like Dubai Mall, undercover security teams were established,” a police officer testified in court.

“The undercover officers observed and caught the defendants on the day of the theft. They were also captured by surveillance cameras.” The footage showed the men coordinating to distract the victim and steal her phone, then dispersing to avoid detection.

The defendants denied the charges during the investigation and in court sessions held via remote communication.

However, the court found them guilty, sentenced them to one month in prison each, and ordered their deportation.

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